I am a Product Design graduate from the Glasgow School of Art. I ​​​​​​​was born in Glasgow but brought up on the Isle of Lewis. I moved back to Glasgow to fulfill a career in design. I have been exposed to a wide range of design practices; Industrial, Interaction, Service, Branding, and Speculative, but I particularly love to play with Experience Design. 
I like to design in a fun and playful manner, with the user at the forefront of all my decision-making. I explore how daily mundane moments could be completely re-imagined into an experience to remember. I am passionate about telling the story; from drawing out the storyboard, to prototyping with found objects and making films with my user group.
Having only just begun my design career, I am excited to explore a range of challenges to expand on my experience and push my design skills further. Please do not hesitate to contact me. 

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